About the Journal

Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure (JSI)

Official Information:

  • Publisher: Faculty of Infrastructure Planning, Universitas Pertamina
  • Start Year: 2022
  • Frequency: Bi-monthly, published in June and December
  • Language of Publication: Bahasa Indonesia and English (English is preferred)
  • Article Processing Charges: None
  • Indexing: Platforms such as Google Scholar and others

About JSI: JSI is a respected outlet dedicated to disseminating scientific research centered on infrastructure development in alignment with developmental goals. The journal upholds a stringent envelope-style format for uniformity in its e-Journal's presentation, and potential authors are strongly urged to adhere to this structure. A template is provided, which authors can replicate, download, or request from the editorial team.

Article Structure: The expectation for articles is a concise six-page format, starting with an introduction that delineates the topic, delves into recent theories or literature, and sets the context for problem-solving. It should proceed with the methodology, followed by the findings and discussions, culminating in the conclusions and/or recommendations. Appreciation or acknowledgment for any form of support should be the final inclusion before references. In the introduction, authors should refer to at least five articles to fortify the article's premise. Furthermore, the introduction's concluding paragraph should clearly outline the study's novelty and objectives.

Peer Review Process: JSI's integrity is upheld by a rigorous peer-review procedure that ensures the publication of top-tier science. Adherence to ethical standards is mandatory for all stakeholders: authors, reviewers, and editors. Submissions to JSI that have a similarity score exceeding 20%, excluding references, will face outright rejection. The Editor holds the final say in the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript, albeit after taking into consideration feedback from peer reviewers.

Evaluation Metrics: Manuscripts are assessed on various fronts, such as their structure, alignment with the JSI template, relevance to the journal's focus, and scope. The Editor and reviewers will especially emphasize a manuscript's originality and the potential impact of its findings on the academic community. Reviewers play a pivotal role, suggesting ways to enhance an article's quality if found wanting. Authors are encouraged to make the novelty of their research explicit in the introduction to underline the article's importance.

Guidelines Adherence: Reviewers also verify the alignment of articles with the journal's guidelines. It's imperative for authors to heed these guidelines comprehensively. Post-acceptance, authors should ensure that their revised articles conform to the JSI template. Minor formatting tweaks will be made by the Editor. Authors will have an opportunity to proofread the formatted output and affirm its authenticity by signing a submission approval form.

Copyright: Once published, the rights to the scientific articles lie entirely with JSI's journal management. Authors are also required to acknowledge this copyright by signing an approval during the submission process.